
The most smart aleck law student blog of them all. Do not try this at home.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shutup. I'm back.

Due to popular demand, which means people who want me to distract them from their miserable lives, I'm back. I don't know how much there is to say. My life has gotten stable, or should we say boring? As I write, the fish swim peacefully and my girlfriend is beside me in a thrift shop easy chair doing a cross stitch, whatever the fuck that is, and my raggedy one eyed cat is curled up at her feet. I used to spend Sunday afternoons sweating out Saturday nights and mourning the loss of my new underwear. Now my Pale Ale and panties budget is spent on plums and pencils, not to be used at the same time. OK, well sometimes when I'm really, really bored. This is what age and a good woman does for you I guess, so those of you who still buy underwear in packs and are expected at the local saloon, watch out.

I've taken to listening to a lot of Johnny Cash. I think because I'm in my third year of law school and he had a penchant for singing to prisoners. For some asinine reason the administration, who I suspect simply can't count, let in so many first year students that the third years have to grab one under each arm and use them as battlerams to get through the crowds. They don't like it but fuck them, they need a beating, it will toughen them up, and we've been through enough - or so you'd think. I'm stuck several hours a week in an 80 person classroon (where 83 people sit) with a temperature approximating the 5th circle of hell that stinks of corn chips and flop sweat. I think the first years ought to have to come in and scrub it out, then stand at each end holding fans for the second and third years stuck in there and be grateful for the privilege. Those who don't want to participate could enter the first-year-fight-it-out program where they barefist box and the loser has to go to community college to be a paralegal that the rest of us can abuse when we graduate. That ought to thin the herd a little.

In the meantime, I'll crank up the Johnny Cash and ask my girlfriend what the fuck a cross stitch is. If I like it, maybe I'll let a 1L make one for me.


At 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy Kelly- glad to see you're still out there...

Funny you should mention Johnny Cash- Naomi and I listen to Johnny most Sunday mornings- he's just spiritual enough to make it feel like church..

And it looks like we're about to be proud owners of a one-eyed cat, too- the orange one (that's not wired right) has some funkiness going on, and we'll probably have to remove the eye.. sad stuff, not even including the guilt trip they set you up with at the Vet ("It's only $1200 for the surgery, are you sure you'd want to viciously rip your poor, poor kitty's eye out?")

Next time you're over in the G-spot, drop me a line! -booboo

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn Kelly, when did you start hating 1Ls so much? haha. I thought you were a lover, not a hater! But you are right, sharing a small space with a million stressed out arrogant people sucks. Julius says hello, or should I say, "meow, bite bite."


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