
The most smart aleck law student blog of them all. Do not try this at home.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Open letter to NC Republican Party

Dear buttfucks:
I had the misfortune last night to run across your party platform in the course of doing some research and after regaining my appetite, decided I'd like to address a few issues. The first is that you spend more time under the "family" article stomping gay people than supporting any idea of family. Nice! I can see where your heads are at; up each other's butts. Now, in this asinine little paragraph, I found it interesting how you take pains to oppose "special treatment by law based on nothing but homosexual behavior". Poor legal argument. Nobody is asking for special treatment. We're not even asking for you to throw us parades. We have our own and they're way cooler than any bullshit you'd throw together anyway. We're just sick of being second class citizens and seeing kids go kill themselves because shitheads like you threw them out of the house when they came out to you. Nice support of family. Take your dyke daughter out to dinner and tell her you're sorry. That's support of family.
Another brief note on a brief and unconscionable provision. So your platform is to oppose mental health provision in schools because it undermines parental authority? What is WRONG with you? How often do you think this conversation happens: "Junior, I can tell you're really screwed up over my being a crack whore and your dad molesting you; how about I smoke a couple rocks and we'll go find you a therapist?" Who are these kids supposed to turn to? The overworked teacher with 46 students in a stinky room who has to go home and eat peanut butter because you won't give her a fucking raise? She can probably barely remember half of their names. Then you get pissy because theses kids grow up to be criminals. What do you expect? Get out of your Lexus and look around you. If you're going to make public policy, make it for the public, not for yourselves.


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