
The most smart aleck law student blog of them all. Do not try this at home.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


so my blog is starting off kind of sad because some fat dog some idiot let run loose killed one of my cats this week. we buried him in the future flower garden and i skipped class that day and haven't paid much attention this week, which isn't good considering I'm in law school, but I just haven't given a fuck about the statutory definition of anything.

my girlfriend has been really supportive, which is good. she's a cat lesbian too, which is important. there are two kinds of lesbians: cat lesbians and dog lesbians, and never the twain should meet. Dog lesbians want the dogs to sleep in the bed and dogs take up too much room and smell. i can't imagine having sex with a smelly dog huffing in the bed. too much like a guy. Dog lesbians are very defensive about their dogs, too. I don't really mind dogs, like I don't really mind guys, but again, i don't want to sleep with either.

cat lesbians are also a little more independent, which i like. Women who build lives around their relationships scare me a little. Get a life, you know? Sorry your job driving a truck isn't that fulfilling but maybe you should get a hobby or something. I have to study. Posted by Picasa


At 12:49 PM, Blogger Ms. V. said...

That's a fantastic picture of the late, great Ligs. He was really fortunate to have you and your girlfriend and your other fine beasties as companions. I'm sorry he's gone.


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