Shoot Red Bull
I work occasionally at a rock climbing gym, not because it pays enough to cover my gas getting there, but so I can get in free whenever I manage to get off my ass, which isn't much anymore. Anyway last night I spent the night there for a boy scout's overnighter party. I want to put this out there right now: if anyone can find, and shoot, the person who invented those damn 'energy drinks' that make eleven year olds scream and run in circles until 4 a.m., I will personally defend them pro bono. I mean it. Also, if any legislator out there can put a minimum age on buying those things, I will not only vote for him or her, I will also sleep with him or her, especially if it's a her, and she's all hot and stuff, and my girlfriend wouldn't mind. Since she went with me last night, I think she'll understand. C'mon, senators. I'm cute and I always vote.
The problem is one of nature (i.e. hormones) as well as nurture: the way that boys in this culture and dozens of others are raised to believe and act as if they're in charge of the whole damned world. And they think that in groups they become more powerful and less accountable.
There's nothing wrong with male people that raising them like _people_ wouldn't cure.
Sheeeeeeeit. You have my sympathy and my empathy, sistergirl.
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